Do You Know What No-Fault Insurance Is?
As a member of Construction Council 175, it is important that you understand your state’s insurance laws and against whom you would need to make a claim. New York and New Jersey are no-fault insurance states. This means that you turn to your own auto insurance provider to cover damages you sustain in an accident, regardless of who caused the accident. You must report the accident in writing no later than 30 days from the date of the accident. Under state-mandated insurance, you will have up to $50,000 of benefits, which can be used to cover:
All medical expenses stemming from the accident, including hospital expenses, surgery, nursing, dental, ambulance, x-ray, prescription drug, and prosthetic services, psychiatric services, physical and occupational therapy services, and other professional health services Loss of earnings you suffered because you were unable to work due to the accident, subject to a 20% offset.
Cost of services you have to pay someone else to perform that you would have otherwise been able to perform if the accident didn’t happen, up to $2,000 per month for up to three years from the date of the accident
All other reasonable and necessary expenses incurred, up to $25 per day for up to one year following the accident
Once you exceed the $50,000 limit or you suffer a “serious” injury as defined by the state, you will be able to collect from the driver who caused the accident.